Category: vascular surgeon

Vascular & Endovascular Surgery, Limb Salvage, Varicose Veins

Why You Should See a Vascular Surgeon Before Leg Amputation Due to Insufficient Blood Flow

Being told that you may need to have your leg amputated due to insufficient blood flow can be overwhelming and frightening. This type of recommendation is typically made when other options seem exhausted, and the threat to your health is serious. However, before proceeding with such a life-altering surgery, it’s crucial to explore all available options. Consulting with a vascular surgeon, such as Dr. Bradley Hill, is a vital step that could potentially change the course of your treatment.

Understanding Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Video

Educational Patient Video by board certified vascular surgeon, Dr. Bradley Hill Have you ever experienced leg pain, especially when walking? Do your legs feel tired or heavy even after resting? If so, you might be wondering what’s causing these symptoms. One potential culprit could be peripheral artery disease (PAD). What is PAD? PAD is a…
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Why Would You See a Vascular Surgeon?

When it comes to our health, we often focus on the more visible aspects of our bodies, such as muscles, bones, and organs. However, the intricate network of blood vessels that carries oxygen-rich blood throughout our bodies plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. When issues arise within this vascular system, seeking the expertise…
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How to Chose a Vascular Surgeon with Advanced Skills

VIDEO: Dr. Bradley Hill was featured on The Heart of Innovation’s ‘Medical Notepad” radio and vlog segment. This episode they asked, “How Do You Know If Your Vascular Surgeon or Specialist Has Advanced Skills?” This is incredibly important for any advanced peripheral artery disease (PAD) or critical limb ischemia (CLI) patient who is teetering on…
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On The Radio: Dr. Hill Joins Distinguished Panel

Dr. Hill provides insight on venous disease on The Heart of Innovation on 860AM Radio Take a listen to one of 860AM radio’s newest shows “The Heart of Innovation”. This morning’s show featured discussion revolving around venous issues. Our own Bradley B. Hill, MD was invited to join the panel and provide his insights on #vasculardisease. Take…
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What Does FACS Mean?

Understanding the FACS Designation Have you ever asked yourself, “What do the letters behind my doctor’s name mean?” As a patient, it’s important to understand these letters, or designations, held by your physician. They are clear indicators of specialty training and recognized excellence in their field and among their peers and colleagues. Understanding their meaning…
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What EXACTLY is a Vascular Surgeon?

What EXACTLY is a Vascular Surgeon? Vascular surgeons are surgeons specializing in arterial and vascular issues.  Let’s take a moment to break that down.  First, vascular surgeons are highly trained surgeons specialized in treating the vascular system. Up until recently, board certified vascular surgeons completed medical school, residency in general surgery, and  vascular fellowships where…
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Is It Safe to Have Surgery During COVID-19?

by: Bradley Hill, MD Here in Santa Clara County, we have endured seven weeks of COVID-19 shelter in place. As we approach week eight, we are seeing gradual easing of hospital restrictions. Local hospitals are laying the ground work to reopen operating rooms to essential and elective cases. We realize many are wondering if it…
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Early Telehealth Adopter, Dr. Hill Shares His Knowledge to Aid Physicians Across the US Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

During his time at Kaiser Permanente, Dr. Hill was among the first to embrace Telehealth; first with phone conferencing, and as technology progressed, video conferencing. Recognizing his national leadership role at Kaiser Permanente, and his record of excellence in vascular healthcare, ProtectOurDoctors.Org reached out to Dr. Hill asking him to share his knowledge and experiences…
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Dr. Bradley Hill Publishes Landmark Vascular Surgery Journal Article

Over twenty years ago, Dr. Hill was part of a Stanford University research team that conducted early clinical trials on a novel minimally invasive method for treating abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). Years later, Dr. Hill brought together a team of surgeons and clinical research scientists at Kaiser Permanente to better understand the long-term results of…
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